Wednesday 12 June 2013

Hush- Independant Production Context

This film was writte and directed by Mark Tonderai. It is a film about a couple who on a motorway spot a truck with a naked woman caged up inside they notify the police and pull to a service station where the truck pulls into the driver kidnaps the girl and takes her away the man Zakes Abbot (William Ash) follows the truck to try and save his girlfriend Beth (Christine Bottomly)
This film is an Independant film It has one star in it (William Ash who was in waterloo road)
This film was funded by film 4 and x-warp which are independant production companies. The budget for this film was estimated around £1,000,000. It was filmed in yorkshire along the M1 in the UK.
In this film there were little to no effects used it is mostly camera work and good editing
The cast of this film is quite unknown except for william ash who has appeared in a few other things such as Doctor Who where he played Riley Vashtee and waterloo road where he played christopher mead he played many other parts in other films and TV shows.

This film i thought was brilliant i loved it, the narrative was strong, the dialogue fitted with the narrative brilliantly and it was an intense suspenceful film. It is probably one of the best independant films i have seen.

The genre of this film is horror thriller. There are many codes and conventions in this movie that relates to these two genres. First off the narrative has a very basic tie to the the horror genre it has a story of kidnapping and danger, the dialogue has some certain sentences that would fit only in to a horror movie. The Tag line is alos quite gripping and makes you instantly think horror or thriller. "Only you saw it. Only you can save them" it makes you think about the storyline which in a result promotes the film as its genre.

this film doesnt have many famous actors but it does have one (the lead actor) Zakes Abbott he is played by William Ash who has starred in waterloo road as Christopher Mead and doctor who as Riley Vashtee.

This film is quite obviously noticed as an independant production. You can tell by the filming and narrative because it's all basic there is no complicated narrative or furnished camera techniques, it looks as an independant film should look like.

In this film there were hardly any effects if none as it is independant the budget wouldnt allow overly amazing sfx but if there were any they wouldnt be too glamorous becuase of the production context, budget and the narrative which wouldnt really give much of a cause to have over used sfx in it

 Horror Deconstruction- Genre Analysis

What does Horror mean? Horror is a genre of a film for instance romance is films with love, fantasy is films set in a different and often magical land and horror is the genre for scary and creepy films for instance ghosts or possesion come under horror. Genre is a french word it translaye as type or class it is used to tell the audience what type of film they are going to watch.
How can you tell what films fit into the genre? well all films have whats called codes and conventions which is basically everything that makes a film what it is it includes narrative, dialogue, props and eveything else. Horror films are very well known for having blood in them but blood alone doesnt tell you its a horror film but in most horror films the camera shots are usually steady and slow to show a little tension, also the set is usually darker than most other genres, these are two more ways to tell that a film is a horror or not. Take woman in black as an example in the film the camera movements are slow and cautios when nothing is happening but when the scene turns dangerous the camera is usually jumpy showing a bit of fear. 
Most horror films have the same general style of camera techniques but differ from film to film mostly due to the story for instance the camera style in resident evil is going to be different from woman in black because of narrative but all horror films have genrally the same idea.
Moving away from all of the camera talk start thinking about the way the actors act different to other genres they are mostly dumb people it helps the film look a bit more realistic
For instance in scream, the woman picks the phone up constantly instead of calling the police then she opens the door and tries to kill him instead of running away.

In all horror movies there are similar codes and conventions because of the genre it can also relate to cast and characters for instance you wouldnt cast ben stiller as a pshyco killer in a horror (unless its a horror comedy) no but you might cast someone like christopher lee becuase his acting talents fit the horror genre more than any other wheras ben stilller belongs in comedy

Wednesday 22 May 2013

1920 Evil Returns- Bollywood Production Context

This film was directed by a man called bhushan patel

The story revolves around a famous poet who meets a woman who is in trouble it later turns out that she has been possesed by an evil spirit.

The genre of this film is horror romance. Both characters in this are starting to fall in love but the girl is posesserd this fits in automatically with the two different genres.

This film is a bollywood film it has a famous bollywood cast such as Aftab shivdasani who plays the poet jaidev verma who has starred in lots of other bollywood films he has starred in around 45 other bollywood films so is very well known. This film has a few effects in it which i think were overdone they used effects when they were not even needed.

In this film the characters speak in a different language this shows that it could be bollywood whereas hollywood and british films are in english also the narrative in this film is very complex it has a strange beginning apparently the girl lost her memories and cant remember any of it. One of the main things that showed me that it was a bollywood film was that in the film they refer to each other by their famioy names for instance Jaidev always adrersses his sister as sister instaed of her name which is something most bollywood films do because they are very much infuenced by family.

The technology in this film also indicated that it was bollywood due to the tackyness of the visual effects they were overdone and in a word awful but that is bollywood, the effects in it are nothing compared to that of hollywood films whop spend so long on one effect that when you see it it changes the film entirely.

I actually kinda of liked the film in a certain way i thought the narrative was very interesting but i dindt like how they pulled it off cause A. it didnt appeal to me . there was no need for music and C. the effects spoilt the film as they were tacky and over done. if it was made by hollywood or british i think i would of liked it more by the way they would make it.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Resident Evil

Resident Evil

Resident Evil was made in 2002 it was directed by Paul W.S Anderson the main actors in the film are milla jovovich who plays alice, colin salmon who playes James and michelle rodriguez who plays rain.
Resident Evil is a mixture of three genres horror, action and sci-fi. The reason why it fits into these three genres is because of the the way its filmed, the characters in the movie itself and the story. This film is filmed with lots of different paced shots and lots of sdifferent types of shots for instance in one part they are getting killed by the zombies the shots are very quick paced and quite jumpy this shows off action but when something creepy is about to happpen its very slow paced and the shots are longer and less jumpy.
This movie is a hollywood movie there are many aspects that show it is a hollywood film, there is the cast, effects and budget as well as set, location and production crew. The cast of this movie are major stars and have starred in other films or TV before for instance milla jovovich starred in the film zoolander with ben stiller and colin salmon starred in arrow and Doctor Who.

In Resident Evil lots of things that were involved in the film made it noticable as a hollywood production such as the characters Milla Jovovich is portrayed in a way that appeals to men due to what she wears (relates to feminism theory). The dialogue in this movie shows that it is a hollywood production due to the language and accent, compare this movie to Dog Soldiers the way the characters speak is different for instance americans in a film say get lost but british people say piss-off which shows that dialogue in resident evil is different meaning the film would fit with a different production context. The location of this film is set in a building and in big locations showing complication which is found in most hollywood films it also shows that the film would have a larg-ish budget which is something all hollywood films have.

Hollywood are very well known for use of technology to create SFX, sound effects and animation. In Resident Evil they use SFX in lots of different situations for instance the scene where the beams where killing the soldiers that would have been done using SFX. You can usually tell if a film fits with hollywood because the SFX are always perfect they dont look cheap and quick/rushed they are properly done to make them look realistic. Bollywood usually go over the top with SFX and rush them which makes it look ovedone and tacky In british films there are rarely SFX because they focus on different aspects Hollywood use there SFX well especially in films like resident evil.

Hollywood Are good at creating action films and superhero films because of there skills with SFX where as bollywood would be skilled making films with little to no SFX and finally british are good with cameras so they are good with horror.      

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Feminist theory

An example from a clip from resident evil

– Resident evil retribution trailer.

This clip is a very strong representative of a female character breaking the stereotype. Usually females in films play either dumb, ditzy characters or popular pretty characters. In this clip milla Yovovich (character name - Alice) plays a woman who has her life changed by a company named umbrella corp. In this clip there are explosions guns and numerous fights thrown at our main character
 The story behind Alice. Alice was always being tricked by the umbrella corporation they created her memories thereby tricking her by taking away everything that wasn’t real making it seem as it was real.

 The genre of this film is Action horror. It has lots of gunfire, explosions, blood and other action conventions but also has zombies and death. Usually in a film like this there would be the stereotypical good male character, the hero, But in this film the woman is the main character (Hero)doing the shooting and other badass stuff instead which completely breaks stereotype
 A lot of time she is viewed as most women are in films for the purpose of male gaze. In this film she is portrayed in the same way but differently at the same time as most females put into films for male gaze are either dumb or not main characters like hero etc. They usually play the role of the helpless princess or helpless girl. In this film she is shown the same way just as the hero and in a badass type of way.  

Queer Theory

I will use an example from mean girls then an examlpe from silence of the lambs

In mean girls Damian is the queer character he is very feminine. relating to queer theory he is stereotyped as a queen which is a very flamboyant, affectionate gay man who is considered a drama queen at times.


 in the film mean girls homosexuality is portrayed in a positive way as all of the homosexuals seem and appear happy which shows homosexuality in a positive way for.



Damian might be judged but in the end he is excepted for who he is and appears happy and positive which shows that homosexuality isn’t actually that bad

In the picture above it shows you that even though damien is gay he still has friends and that the character seems happy as it is

Queer theory is shown in many different ways in certain horror films it is shown as bad, shameful evenwhereas in a film like this it is portrayed as okay.

In silence of the lambs buffalo bill is considered homosexual for what he does and what he wears. He kidnaps women steals their skins to make a jacket.

He is also portrayed as homosexual for the way he speaks and acts for instance in one scene he is shown dancing in female clothes to female type music with make-up and female body language etc.

In silence of the lambs buffalo bill is the evil villian who must be found, Becuase he is evil. It shows in this film that homosexuality is wrong and that it is in a way evil.

Buffalo bill is a stereotypical murderer but in another way breaks stereotype with the way he acts he does not come across as a harsh evil man (until you see and understand what he is doing) he looks like a misunderstood homosexual man but because of what he does it shows him and homosexuality as bad, evil and shameful